Application Form
Name-Surname |
: |
ID Number (Passport Number if not a Turkish Citizen) |
: |
Mobile |
: |
: |
Registered Address |
: |
Indicate your relationship with the company:
Consumer |
Business&Solution Partner |
Visitor |
Other |
Indicate the unit you are in contact with within the Company:
Explain what you are in contact with the Company:
Please specify in detail your request under the Personal Data Protection Law:
Specify the method by which you would like to be notified of the response to your application by the Company:
I want it sent to my e-mail address. (If this method is chosen, you will be able to respond faster) |
I want it to be sent to the address I specified in the Application Form. |
I want to receive it by hand. (In case of receipt by proxy, a notarized power of attorney or a Certificate of Authorization issued in accordance with the Attorneyship Law is required.) |
The Application Form has been prepared in order to determine your current relationship with our Company and to fully determine your personal data, if any, and to respond to your application in a correct and timely manner in accordance with the legislation.
In order to eliminate legal disputes that may arise from illegal and unfair data sharing and to ensure the security of your personal data, our Company reserves the right to request additional documents for identification and authorization determination.
In the event that the information regarding your requests submitted within the scope of the Application Form is not correct, up-to-date or incomplete, or in case of unauthorized application; Our company does not accept any responsibility for such wrong or omission.
Name-Surname :
Date of Application :
Signature :